Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Recognizing the Warning Signs of Caregiver Burnout

It is very easy to neglect your own needs when you are responsible for the needs of another adult, this makes it very easy for caregivers to not even realize that they are in danger of burning out until it is too late to avoid the extreme physical and emotional crash that is known as caregiver burnout.

There are warning signs to watch for that can help you diagnose the symptoms of burnout and, hopefully, take steps to prevent it before the symptoms get out of control.

Some of the warning signs of pending burnout are:

- Feelings of extreme fatigue and lack of energy
- Lack of concentration and mental focus, including missing appointments
- Insomnia or having trouble staying asleep when you can sleep
- Depression or feelings of anxiety about the future
- Feelings of alienation from family and friends
- Withdrawal from activities you enjoy and friends/family
- A feeling of not being able to cope with everyday things
- General irritability or feelings of anger towards others, including the patient
- Mood Swings
- Appetite changes, lack of appetite or eating too much (weight gain/loss)
- General health problems
- Neglecting or treating roughly the person for whom you are caring
- Losing control physically or emotionally

If you have felt or feel any of these warning signs, please, talk to someone about them. The only way you can provide the care that you want to be able to provide for your loved one is if you are healthy physically, mentally and emotionally.


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