Monday, May 21, 2007

Nephew's dog nearly took off my thumb

It seems that there are times when it just don't pay to be the nice guy that takes care of things. Just about dusk last night one of my nephew's dogs busted its chain. The dog was out there running around with about a 5 foot length of chain dragging behind it. So, like a good aunt, I went out to tie the dog back up before it got into trouble.

Unfortunately the cats decided that it was a good time to put a sneak attack on the dog's food into action. The dog, of course, did not approve of the cats' plan.

Cats went flying in assorted directions as the dog did what dogs do and jumped into a fast lunge to go after the cats. Of course the maneuver was timed to coincide with my trying to secure the chain on a snap deal, so when the chain jerked free of my hand it tried to take my right thumb with it. That thumb is now all skinned on the inner edge of the first knuckle, which leaves me typing one handed with my left hand.

What is truly bad is that I still have several hours of typing work to do and tomorrow I have to make some strawberry beds. When I was in town earlier I got some cement to use in making stone retaining walls around an electric pole set up on a hill in the yard. The stone walls will reinforce the slope so it don't erode away and the strawberries... well, they're for eating.


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