Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What if your doctor fell asleep?

Would you want to have a doctor that spent the past 27 hours working in the hospital examine you? As caregivers we're all used to being put through insane hours and suffering the high stress that it demands, but what about the doctors that treat us and our loved ones?

I saw something on FOX News the other day about doctors that work such long shifts they're falling asleep on the job (not something I want the E.R. doctor doing when I need him most), so I did a little looking and discovered that there is a PDF document showing an article from 1997 where hospitals in Canada had a "28 hour rule", this is where the doctors work in the hospital for 28 straight hours and then can go home and sleep. (“I certainly wouldn’t want my patients to have my job”). I'm, quite honestly, kind of afraid to research this more - particularly given the hours I know that my dad's primary doctor keeps. A member of the woman's own family was working as a trainee under her and saying that if it was ANY other doctor they would have quit because of the insanely long hours she keeps.


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