Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Heartzine.com - online magazine about heart disease and treatment

I have known that my dad has had a bad heart since he had triple-bypass surgery in the early 80's, so I of course keep an eye out for anything about heart care or new resources for information. The Heartzine Magazine is one such resource. Being two years old this month, the online magazine has an active forum where both patient and professional viewpoints on heart disease can be discussed and an active discussion on the new developments in the world of cardiology.

Approaching the issue with a sprinkling of humor the The Heartzine Magazine offers a cardiotoon that gives a lighter look at the serious issues of heart disease.

The site is looking forward to a move into more personalized and patient-perspective media.

I look forward to checking back with this site from time to time, reading the articles that it offers on leading research from around the world and watching the discussions in the forums. As a site that is aimed at both students and those who want to learn more about their condition, I think this site will quickly become of value to those that understand something about heart disease so are looking for information beyond the usual novice targeted information, but not complicated by too much information that would demand a MD to properly decipher.

This post is sponsored by the PPP
advertiser The Heartzine Magazine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the writeup! We're off to our 2nd Birthday party this evening and I suspect there won't be much quality reporting going on tomorrow!

5:48 AM  

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